On 04/25/2013 10:52 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> I've never quite got the 'being proud of having a keyboard with no Super
> key' thing. It's a handy key. But anyway, this is a general introductory
> video to GNOME aimed at very new users; if you're geeky enough to have
> gone out and carefully sourced a keyboard with no Super key, you are not
> the target audience of the video, so that doesn't really seem to be a
> problem.

Based on the pictures that DJ posted later, it looks like his keyboard
is the same IBM model M that I have, and I sure as heck didn't "care-
fully source" a Super key-less keyboard.  As far as I know, the Windows/
Super key hadn't been invented when my keyboard was manufactured back in
1996.  (If it had been invented, it certainly wasn't ubiquitous.)

Ian Pilcher                                         arequip...@gmail.com
Sometimes there's nothing left to do but crash and burn...or die trying.

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