On 05/26/2013 12:55 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 05/26/2013 12:37 PM, John Reiser wrote:
>> What should I expect?  I get no error, but no much more:
>>    $ fedora-easy-karma
>>    Getting list of installed packages...
>>    Getting list of packages in updates-testing...
>>    $ echo $?
>>    0
>>    $
> Have you installed any packages recently from the updates-testing repo?

I've been installing packages often (/var/log/yum.log shows May 
but evidently not from updates-testing.  A comment on stderr is needed,
such as "0 packages installed from [updates-testing] are eligible for karma".

Also I'm seeing at two-minute delay after "Getting list of packages
in updates-testing...", with very little activity of any kind (network,
disk, CPU) according to gnome-system-monitor, but no output and no exit.


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