On Thu, 2013-06-20 at 21:52 -0400, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 06/20/2013 09:40 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > To me that's just more illustration of the problem. Do things look
> > better to an Indian who just wants to install in English anyway if we:
> >
> > a) default to English?
> > b) default to an Indian language they don't speak at all?
> Obviously its globally easier if you default to English but I assumed 
> since Anaconda is trying to guess, you want to fine tune it rather than 
> revert that behavior.   If Anaconda is picking up a default only at a 
> country level,  that certainly doesn't make much sense in India and 
> English is a better choice.

AIUI it basically farms it off to langtable, so let's stop guessing and
look at langtable:


I think that's it, anyhow. As I'm reading it, it has the concept that a
'language' can map to an arbitrary number of 'territories' (and various
other things that don't concern us here). Territories are defined here:


From a brief look through that, it looks like it's basically the concept
of a 'territory' doesn't really extend down to state/province/county
etc. level. Instead it looks to be pretty much a straight out
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 listing - i.e., it's basically
'countries', with fudges for politically sensitive cases like Hong Kong
and Taiwan.

So if I'm reading things right, no, langtable doesn't currently make any
attempt to associate each Indian language with a territory any more
specific than 'India', and as currently implemented, couldn't actually
do this. Mike may well correct me if I'm wrong and he's reading, though.
It may be the case that he'd consider it valid to extend the concept of
a 'territory' down to province/state level but just hasn't implemented
it yet, or it may be that he considers it to be strictly tied to the ISO
3166 standard. I don't know.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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