Richard Vickery ha scritto / said the following il giorno/on 03/07/2013 06:44:
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 9:37 PM, Adam Williamson <> wrote:
On 2013-07-02 21:16, Richard Vickery wrote:

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 8:49 PM, David <> wrote:

On 7/2/2013 11:38 PM, Richard Vickery wrote:

I went to boot into the new test updates and as happened with the
updates within the last 2 weeks, the GUI gets stuck on the blue circle
after filling up. I stopped running in to this problem with the
updates almost a couple days before the Canada Day July 1 weekend, a
day or so after I mentioned it. I am currently up in the kernel
running before the Fedora 19 updates-testing report of 2 July 2013;
18:45 PDT. PDT is probably UTC -7:00

Fedora 19, the gold, was released July 2.



I suppose I should ignore these new test updates then?

No, the fact that F19 has been released isn't really significant. The test
updates are post-release test updates, just like for any release.

We would need a much better bug report than 'boot stops somewhere' to have
any chance of fixing your problem, though.

I know Adam - LOL - I'm sorry. I realise that you need better
reporting - I realise as I laugh. It's just my stupidity / ignorance.

I am experiencing same problem and I don't know the component to blame in bugzilla. But I have more info, I can get inside Fedora by Ctrl+Alt+F2, then in a terminal I can log fine, then I issue a startx....that works, but when any window pop-ups for password request after inserting password I get an Authentication failure message (both for root or standard user in case screensaver starts).
I guess that the two symptoms are connected.

Antonio M
Skype: amontag52

Linux Fedora F18(Spherical Cow) on Acer 5720

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