On 10/09/13 22:47, Mike Chambers wrote:
> Did a test install of F20 64bit on my normal workstation/desktop. 
> Problem seems to be that after I setup nfs to mount, it won't do it
> automatically on boot.  And this usually works just fine out of the box
> up to F19.  I have to mount the directory manually once the system is
> booted.
> Is there a particular nfs service that isn't starting/working  that
> would do this for me or something else?

Just installed F20-TC2 64 bit in a VM.

Added the following to the fstab /home/egreshko/misty       nfs4    defaults        0 0

Edited the idmap.conf and rebooted.

The mount worked as expected.  No need to make any changes to systemd.

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