On Fri, 06 Dec 2013 09:39:26 -0700
Lawrence E Graves <lgrave...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have just downloaded Fedora TC5 and the install went fine until I
> done yum -y update and got the message there are no updates. Please
> advise.

Thats completely normal at this point. 

updates-testing is disabled by default. 

The only updates you will see show up are things that fix accepted
blocker or freeze exceptions that have been pushed stable. At this
point there's very few of those going out. 

The next flood of updates you will see is once we have a go on final
release, the updates repo will be populated and all the stuff waiting
for stable now that was not a blocker or fe will go into the updates

Or if you re-enable the updates-testing repo you will see more updates


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