Hi, folks. So I've had this on my todo list for the last three weeks

"adamw to draft a new test case and matrix row for validating cloud
image checksums"

So I finally got around to doing it. Looking at how to integrate a test
into the matrices, it seemed to me like we could combine all the 'image
sanity' tests together into a single matrix; over time, they've all got
separated and moved around into sort of random positions in the tables,
and we don't really need three different checksum test cases.

So, I've drafted a 'generic' checksum test case, which is really just
the ISO checksum test case -
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Mediakit_ISO_Checksums -
slightly modified to make the 'checkisomd5' step optional (to cover the
case of the non-ISO images to which it doesn't apply).

Then I drafted a new matrix, with just the image sanity tests in it:


we could make this its own page, or we could simply make it a section of
the Installation matrix page, it doesn't really matter. Obviously, the
tests would be moved out of their current locations.

Oh, I've just noticed, we would also have to slightly extend
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Mediakit_ISO_Size to list
target sizes for ARM and Cloud images. This would be a trivial change. I
think we can assume their max sizes are CD size (same as netinst) for
all except the ARM KDE image, which probably can be taken to have the
same size target as the x86 Live.

(We *really* need a Deliverables page. Like, really badly. I need to
finally write one, if releng isn't going to do it.)
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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