On Jan 16, 2014, at 7:44 AM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:

> On Jan 16, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Dan Mossor <dan.mos...@outlook.com> wrote:
>> On 01/16/2014 01:10 AM, Ankur Sinha wrote:
>>> There's something off somewhere. I just fresh installed from the Alpha USB
>>> stick I had. I ran a dnf update which went OK, other than the usbmuxd
>>> scriptlet failure which iirc is a known issue. After that, I got down to
>>> installing my other packages and I get quite a few scriptlet failures now:
>>>   1 warning: %post(perl-libs-4:5.18.2-289.fc20.x86_64) scriptlet failed,
>>> exit status 127
>>> <Snipped>
>> I ran into this problem yesterday myself on a fresh install. It first 
>> cropped up during the update to KDE 4.12, and I asked Rex Dieter in the KDE 
>> channel about it. I managed to copy the output from the sddm install, and 
>> this is our brief convo about it. He seems to think it is a systemd problem:
>> [12:05] <danofsatx> Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package 
>> sddm-0.2.0-16.20130914git50ca5b20,fc29,x86_64
>> [12:05] * rdieter checks sddm packaging
>> [12:06] <danofsatx> warning: 
>> %post(sddm-0.2.0-16.20130914git50ca5b20,fc29.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit 
>> status 127
>> [12:06] <rdieter> odd, looks like systemd's fault
>> [12:06] <rdieter> it just has:  %systemd_post sddm.service
>> [12:07] <rdieter> hrm, maybe missing runtime dep
>> [12:07] <rdieter> nope, %{?systemd_requires}
>> [12:08] <rdieter> wierd
>> I did a final update last night to bring everything up to speed with the 
>> updates-testing repo enabled, and got this output - it's too much to paste 
>> in the email so it's on paste.fedora:
>> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/68957/89881516/
>> Summarization: I'm getting A LOT of scriptlet failures with exit status 127. 
>> Any clues what that exit status means, and what's broken?
> Me too. It can't be systemd-208-11 because I don't have that installed, I 
> still have the original one F20 installs with which is 208-9. I haven't 
> tracked down what's causing this but it must be something in u-t.

Who having this problem has *NOT* been using dnf?

Chris Murphy

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