On Apr 16, 2014 9:12 AM, "Clyde E. Kunkel" <clydekunkel7...@verizon.net>
> With all of the kernels in the rawhide 3.15 series so far the gnome
> desktop fails to load.  Kernels in the 3.14 series are fine.
> All I can see is that the X server seems to start (ps -A | grep Xorg
> returns a PID), but the Xorg.0.log is empty.  No obvious failures in
> journalctl -xb.  I see gdm is started, but at this point lots of disk
> activity but then nothing.  c-a-f2 gets me to tty and I can login.  Top
> looks normal for a non-gnome session.  Killing X sometimes brings up
> the GDM login, but after entering password, just a blank screen and the
> Xorg log file is still empty.
> Have tried every 3.15 kernel so far without luck.
> I don't see any obvious bz, and would be happy to enter one, but don't
> know what information should be included.
> Any help appreciated.
> --

I haven't had gdm display anything for the last several kernel updates ,
but I'm not convinced the kernel is at fault as older ones stopped gdm from
working too.

GDM *thinks* it is working - `journalctl -u gdm` is where you can find the
Xorg log output these days - but the vterm is black. Lightdm and sddm
display, though poorly, and neither produce a working gnome session.

No one thing I've poked at so far appeared to be the cause, so I haven't
complained. Good to know it is not just me ;)

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