On Thu, 19 Jun 2014, Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Thu, 2014-06-19 at 06:46 -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> >   rebooted my rawhide laptop this morning, it totally hung ... powered
> > down and up, same thing, so i manually backed off to the earlier
> > kernel release, 3.16.0-0.rc0.git1.1.fc21.x86_64, worked fine, and am
> > now currently "yum updating" which will bump up my kernel to
> > kernel-3.16.0-0.rc0.git11.1.fc21.x86_64, and i'll try that one.
> >
> >   so was there a known issue with, uh,
> > 3.16.0-0.rc1.git1.1.fc21.x86_64? it's been a while since a kernel
> > simply froze my machine in its tracks.
> they're very early builds, so it's certainly plausible. when you say it
> "totally hung" - how far did it get? did the screen blank? any error
> messages?

  totally black, no disk activity, no virtual consoles, nothing. so,
as i described, i just rebooted to the immediately previous (working)
kernel, noticed that "yum update" would give me an even newer kernel,
updated, booted and all was well. so i'm not going to worry overly
about it, i'm just curious if anyone else ran into something similar.

  system: asus G74s, i7 quad-core.



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

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