On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 11:08:27PM -0700, Scott Corcoran wrote:
>     Please sign me on for 5-20 hours a week of QA-related work...
> not sure just where I fit in yet; feedback is of course welcome.

Hi Scott, and welcome! I'll let someone who is more hands-on in QA answer
the "what's most urgent" part, but given your background and current work,
maybe helping out with QA for either Fedora Cloud or Fedora Server -- we
have some initial test plans but there's a lot more to do. (Both in writing
plans and "turning the crank" of actually doing the testing.)

There's also work on our new automated QA framework, Taskotron. That has
plenty of room for feature development, and then also actually making
and deploying automated tests.

PS: if you haven't seen <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Join>, that's got
some good QA-newbie starting points too. 

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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