The following Fedora 19 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL

The following Fedora 19 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 19 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 GeographicLib-1.38-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12333)
 Library for geographic coordinate transformations
Update Information:

Initial import

 ardour3-3.5.403-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12321)
 Digital Audio Workstation
Update Information:

**Ardour 3.5.403 is a CRITICAL bug fix release. ALL USERS ARE RECOMMENDED TO 

It includes several absolutely vital fixes for bugs that could lead to audio 
and MIDI files being irreversibly deleted from disk.

Check out [the upstream announcement]( 
for detailed information.

* Sun Oct  5 2014 Nils Philippsen <> - 3.5.403-1
- version 3.5.403
* Fri Aug 15 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 3.5.380-4
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jul  8 2014 Rex Dieter <> 3.5.380-3
- optimize mimeinfo scriptlet
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 3.5.380-3
- Rebuilt for
* Thu May 22 2014 Petr Machata <> - 3.5.380-2
- Rebuild for boost 1.55.0

 bash-4.2.53-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12318)
 The GNU Bourne Again shell
Update Information:

Apart from applying the new patchlevels through 53, I've
also re-applied Florian's patches instead of plevel 50 and 51.
These differ in the minor () / %% thing that already caused some confusion and 
open bugzillas and which would cause a regression in future RHELs and even 
among bash builds in respective Fedora releases.
Swapping Florian's unofficial patches for those released by bash upstream.

* Mon Oct  6 2014 Ondrej Oprala <> - 4.2.53-1
- Patchlevel 53
* Mon Oct  6 2014 Ondrej Oprala <> - 4.2.51-1
- RedHat's patchlevel 51

 dbxtool-0.5-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12320)
 Secure Boot DBX updater
Update Information:

Update to 0.5 - make applying to dbx when it doesn't exist work.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1150014 - apply updates even when dbx isn't there yet

 dmlite-0.7.1-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12402)
 Lcgdm grid data management and storage framework
Update Information:

Update to 0.7.1, bugfix for memcached plugin
Push on Fedora/EPEL for 0.7.0

* Tue Oct  7 2014 Adrien Devresse <adevress at> - 0.7.1-1
- Update to 0.7.1, bugfix for memcached plugin
* Fri Sep 26 2014 Adrien Devresse <adevress at> - 0.7.0-3
- Fix issue related to memcache on F21 / rawhide
* Thu Sep 25 2014 Adrien Devresse <adevress at> - 0.7.0-2
- Push on Fedora/EPEL for 0.7.0
- Fix ppc EPEL5 compilation issue
* Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 0.6.2-5
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 0.6.2-4
- Rebuilt for
* Fri May 23 2014 Petr Machata <> - 0.6.2-3
- Rebuild for boost 1.55.0

 efivar-0.13-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12411)
 Tools to manage UEFI variables
Update Information:

Update to 0.13

* Tue Oct  7 2014 Peter Jones <> - 0.13-1
- Update to 0.13:
- add efi_symbol_to_guid()
- efi_name_to_guid() will now fall back on efi_symbol_to_guid() as a last
- "efivar -L" to list all the guids we know about
- better namespacing on (rename well_known_* -> efi_well_known_*)
* Thu Sep 25 2014 Peter Jones <> - 0.12-1
- Update to 0.12
* Wed Aug 20 2014 Peter Jones <> - 0.11-1
- Update to 0.11
* Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 0.10-3
- Rebuilt for

  [ 1 ] Bug #1150014 - apply updates even when dbx isn't there yet

 ghostscript-9.14-5.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-9446)
 A PostScript interpreter and renderer
Update Information:

This update fixes representation of floating point numbers as strings on some 
platforms. PDF output now works correctly on those platforms. It also removes 
the %ram% device, which has unclear licensing.

* Tue Oct  7 2014 Tim Waugh <> 9.14-5
- Avoid shipping ramfs source as its license is unclear. Similarly
  with some documentation and example code (bug #1149617).
* Fri Aug 15 2014 Tim Waugh <> 9.14-4
- Fix double-to-string conversion on e.g. ppc64 (bug #1014772).

  [ 1 ] Bug #1014772 - ghostscript ps2pdf generates empty content.
  [ 2 ] Bug #1149617 - Ghostscript included non-free codes.

 groonga-4.0.6-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12415)
 An Embeddable Fulltext Search Engine
Update Information:


* Mon Oct  6 2014 HAYASHI Kentaro <> - 4.0.6-1
- new upstream release.
- drop a needless patch to fix groonga-httpd service startup failure.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1147416 - groonga-4.0.6 is available

 gstreamer1-vaapi-0.5.9-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12323)
 GStreamer plugins to use VA API video acceleration
Update Information:

gstreamer1-vaapi for F19

  [ 1 ] Bug #1149428 - Please package gstreamer1-vaapi for EL6, EPEL7, and F19

 hplip-3.14.10-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12295)
 HP Linux Imaging and Printing Project
Update Information:

  - New upstream release with support for new printers.

* Tue Oct  7 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.10-1
- 3.14.10
* Wed Jul 23 2014 Tim Waugh <> - 3.14.6-6
- Potential fix for lineart scanning (bug #1076954).
* Mon Jul 21 2014 Tim Waugh <> - 3.14.6-5
- Main package requires gnupg (bug #1118724).
- Fixed version comparisons for x.y.z-style versions such as
  reportlab (bug #1121433).
* Wed Jul  9 2014 Tim Waugh <> - 3.14.6-3
- Another fix for commafy() (bug #984167/bug #1076954 comment #21).
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.6-2
- Fix parsing of avahi-daemon output (bug #1096939).
* Thu Jun  5 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.6-1
- 3.14.6
* Thu May 22 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.4-5
- Treat logging before importing of logger module (bug #984699).
* Tue Apr 29 2014 Tim Waugh <> - 3.14.4-4
- Fixed scan-tmp patch (bug #1076954).
* Tue Apr 22 2014 Tim Waugh <> - 3.14.4-3
- Fix for last fix (bug #984167).
* Wed Apr 16 2014 Tim Waugh <> - 3.14.4-2
- Fixed codec issue (bug #984167).
* Wed Apr  9 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.4-1
- 3.14.4
* Fri Apr  4 2014 Tim Waugh <> - 3.14.3-3
- Scan to /var/tmp instead of /tmp (bug #1076954).
* Mon Mar 10 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.3-2
- BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dbus-1) instead of dbus-devel
* Fri Mar  7 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.3-1
- 3.14.3
- --enable-udev-acl-rules configure flag has been removed upstream
* Thu Jan  9 2014 Jiri Popelka <> - 3.14.1-1
- 3.14.1

 initscripts-9.47-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12420)
 The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts
Update Information:

install_bonding_driver: drop check for existing device (#1082257)

* Tue Oct  7 2014 Lukáš Nykrýn <> - 9.47-2
- install_bonding_driver: drop check for existing device (#1082257)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1082257 - ifup does not update bonding options for pre-existing 

 kanyremote-6.3.4-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12330)
 KDE frontend for anyRemote
Update Information:


* Sun Oct  5 2014 Mikhail Fedotov <anyremote at> - 6.3.4
- Fix some issues with QIcon class

 kernel-3.14.20-100.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12288)
 The Linux kernel
Update Information:

The 3.14.20 stable update contains a number of important fixes across the tree.

* Mon Oct  6 2014 Justin M. Forbes <> - 3.14.20-100
- Linux v3.14.20

 libsysstat-0.1.0-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12386)
 Library used to query system info and statistics
Update Information:

Initial packaging

  [ 1 ] Bug #1146961 - Review Request: libsysstat - Library to query system 
info and statistics

 perl-Cwd-Guard-0.04-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12335)
 Temporarily change the current directory
Update Information:

This is the first Fedora/EPEL release of perl-Cwd-Guard.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1150113 - Review Request: perl-Cwd-Guard - Temporarily change the 
current directory

 perl-Devel-CheckCompiler-0.05-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12300)
 Check the compiler's availability
Update Information:

This is the first Fedora/EPEL release of perl-Devel-CheckCompiler.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1150117 - Review Request: perl-Devel-CheckCompiler - Check the 
compiler's availability

 perl-Net-DNS-SEC-0.20-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12364)
 DNSSEC modules for Perl
Update Information:

A new release of Net::DNS::SEC is now available for Fedora.  See the summary of 
upstream changes for more information on what's new in this version --

* Sat Aug 16 2014 Paul Wouters <> - 0.20-1
- Updated to 0.20, fixes "-" (zero) salt fields in NSEC3 representation
- Remove inappropriate deprecation warning in (0.19 upstream)
* Sat Jun  7 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 0.18-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue May 27 2014 Paul Wouters <> - 0.18-1
- Updated to 0.18 - Recode RR implementations, null salt NSEC3PARAM fix

 perl-Test-XML-0.08-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12383)
 Compare XML in perl tests
Update Information:

This is the first Fedora/EPEL release of perl-Test-XML.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1148580 - Review Request: perl-Test-XML - Compare XML in perl tests

 perl-XML-SemanticDiff-1.0004-2.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12276)
 Perl extension for comparing XML documents
Update Information:

This is the first Fedora/EPEL release of perl-XML-SemanticDiff.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1148577 - Review Request: perl-XML-SemanticDiff - Perl extension 
for comparing XML documents

 php-ZendFramework-1.12.9-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12344)
 Leading open-source PHP framework
Update Information:

Contains fixes for two security relevant bugs:
* "ZF2014-05: Anonymous authentication in ldap_bind() function of PHP, using 
null byte" (

* "ZF2014-06: SQL injection vector when manually quoting values for sqlsrv 
extension, using null byte" 

* Tue Oct  7 2014 Felix Kaechele <> - 1.12.9-1
- update to 1.12.9
- fixes
- fixes

 php-ocramius-instantiator-1.1.4-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12291)
 Instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
Update Information:

* 16: Hotfix/backport doctrine/instantiator#7 fix


* Sun Oct  5 2014 Remi Collet <> - 1.1.4-1
- update to 1.1.4

 python-nose-cov-1.6-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12363)
 nose plugin for coverage reporting, including subprocesses and multiprocessing
Update Information:

Initial packaging

  [ 1 ] Bug #1147743 - Review Request: python-nose-cov - nose plugin for 
coverage reporting

 python-rhsm-1.13.3-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12365)
 A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
Update Information:

Various bug fixes.

* Fri Oct  3 2014 Alex Wood <> 1.13.3-1
- Make more use of (

 qpdfview-0.4.12-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12357)
 Tabbed PDF Viewer
Update Information:

Version bump

* Mon Oct  6 2014 TI_Eugene <> 0.4.12-1
- Version bump
* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 0.4.11-2
- Rebuilt for

 sddm-0.9.0-1.20141007git6a28c29b.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12407)
 QML based X11 desktop manager
Update Information:

Bump to latest upstream git (and a new release), fixes CVE-2014-7271 and 
Sync to the newest upstream development, fixes authentication

* Tue Oct  7 2014 Martin Briza <> - 0.9.0-1.20141007git6a28c29b
- Bump to latest upstream git (and a new release)
- Hack around focus problem in the Fedora theme
- Compile against Qt5
- Removed upstreamed patch and files
- Resolves: #1114192 #1119777 #1123506 #1125129 #1140386 #1112841 #1128463 
#1128465 #1149608 #1149628 #1148659 #1148660 #1149610 #1149629
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 0.2.0-0.32.20140627gitf49c2c79
- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 27 2014 Martin Briza <> - 
- Patch unitialized values in signal handler in the daemon
* Fri Jun 27 2014 Martin Briza <> - 
- Bump to latest upstream, switch back to sddm project
- Drop sddm.service
- Enable manpage and journald support
* Tue Jun 24 2014 Martin Briza <> - 
- Fix default config to respect the new /usr/share paths
- Fixed multiple users after autologin
* Mon Jun 23 2014 Martin Briza <> - 
- Fix Requires, release
* Mon Jun 23 2014 Martin Briza <> - 
- Updated to the latest upstream git
- Notable changes: Greeter runs under the sddm user, it's possible to configure 
display setup, different install paths in /usr/share
- Resolves: #1034414 #1035939 #1035950 #1036308 #1038548 #1045722 #1045937 
#1065715 #1082229 #1007067 #1027711 #1031745 #1008951 #1016902 #1031415 #1020921
* Sun Jun  8 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 0.2.0-0.26.20131125git7a008602
- Rebuilt for
* Thu May  1 2014 Rex Dieter <> 
- update pam config (+pam_kwallet,-pam_mate_keyring)
* Mon Jan 27 2014 Adam Jackson <> 0.2.0-0.24.20131125git7a008602
- Rebuild for new sonames in libxcb 1.10
* Mon Dec 16 2013 Martin Briza <> - 
- Revert all work done on authentication, doesn't support multiple logins right 
* Mon Nov 25 2013 Martin Briza <> - 
- Fix saving of last session and user
* Mon Nov 25 2013 Martin Briza <> - 
- Rebase to current upstream
- Fix the theme (and improve it by a bit)
- Fix the authentication stack
- Don't touch numlock on startup
- Disabled the XDMCP server until it's accepted upstream
- Resolves: #1016902 #1028799 #1031415 #1031745 #1020921 #1008951 #1004621
* Tue Nov  5 2013 Martin Briza <> - 
- Fix xdisplay and tty vars
* Tue Nov  5 2013 Martin Briza <> - 
- Patch cleanup
* Tue Nov  5 2013 Martin Briza <> - 
- Cmake magic
* Tue Nov  5 2013 Martin Briza <> - 
- Rewritten the authentication stack to work right with PAM

  [ 1 ] Bug #1149608 - CVE-2014-7271 sddm: user "sddm" can login without 
  [ 2 ] Bug #1148659 - sddm: multiple flaws in SDDM display manager leading to 
privilege escalation to root
  [ 3 ] Bug #1149610 - CVE-2014-7272 sddm: several local privileges escalation 

 sendxmpp-1.24-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12374)
 A Perl script to send XMPP messages
Update Information:

sendxmpp 1.24

  * new config file format, see for example

* Mon Oct  6 2014 Robert Scheck <> 1.24-1
- Upgrade to 1.24 (#1144389)
* Sun Jun  8 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 1.23-4
- Rebuilt for
* Sun Aug  4 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- 1.23-3
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Jul 17 2013 Petr Pisar <> - 1.23-2
- Perl 5.18 rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #1144389 - sendxmpp-1.24 is available

 subscription-manager-1.13.5-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12365)
 Tools and libraries for subscription and repository management
Update Information:

Various bug fixes.

* Fri Oct  3 2014 Alex Wood <> 1.13.5-1
- Use wildcards in the spec file. (
* Thu Oct  2 2014 Alex Wood <> 1.13.4-1
- Latest strings from zanata. (
- 1122001: Reg with --consumerid no longer checks subs (
- 1119648: Added additional functionality to repo listing. (
- Move find content method off entitlement source. (
- More generic search for content method on entitlment source.
- Refactor generic model into it's own namespace. (
- Refactor EntCertEntitledContent. (
- Add a 'install-pip-requirements' target (
- Drop models ContentSet and EntCertEntitledContentSet. (
* Fri Sep 26 2014 Bryan Kearney <> 1.13.3-1
- Merge pull request #1023 from candlepin/alikins/ppc64le (
- Merge pull request #1026 from
  candlepin/csnyder/update_repo_dialog_config_msg_1139174 (
- Message needed a period (
- Fix certdirectory tests leaking temp directories. (
- 1142436 - Final fix pre-QE (
- Repo dialog displays appropriate message when repos are disabled by config.
- 1142436 - unentitle is default, update output, still DRAFT
- 1142436 - Give sat5to6 a man-page - DRAFT (
- Include ppc64le in list of archs to skip dmi (
- 1134963: Fix 'release --list' on some systems. (
- Add Fedora 21 branch to releaser. (

 tzdata-2014h-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12301)
 Timezone data
Update Information:

Rebase to 2014h
- Changes in past time stamps, code, and documentation.
Rebase to 2014g
- Turks & Caicos is switching from US eastern time to UTC-4 year-round, modeled 
as a switch from EST/EDT to AST on 2014-11-02 at 02:00.
Rebase to 2014f
- Russian time zone changes effective October 26, 2014
- Several other changes as documented in the NEWS file.


* Mon Oct  6 2014 Patsy Franklin <> - 2014h-1
- Rebase to 2014h
  - Changes in past time stamps, code, and documentation.
* Wed Sep 10 2014 Patsy Franklin <> - 2014g-1
- Rebase to 2014g
  - Turks & Caicos is switching from US eastern time to UTC-4 year-round,
    modeled as a switch from EST/EDT to AST on 2014-11-02 at 02:00.
* Thu Aug 14 2014 Patsy Franklin <> - 2014f-1
- Rebase to 2014f
  - Russian time zone changes effective 2014-10-26
  - Several other time zone abbreviation changes as described in
    the NEWS file.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1146921 - tzdata-2014h is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1136301 - tzdata-2014g is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #1127671 - tzdata-2014f is available

 wine-1.7.28-1.fc19 (FEDORA-2014-12395)
 A compatibility layer for windows applications
Update Information:

* Support for conditional compilation in JavaScript.
* Bidirectional text support in DirectWrite.
* Stubs for DirectPlay Voice support.
* Various bug fixes.


* Sun Oct  5 2014 Michael Cronenworth <>
- 1.7.28-1
- version upgrade
- New sub-package for wingdings font system integration

  [ 1 ] Bug #1147271 - Add warnings to ensure users don't report issues to (because of compholio patches)

 x2goserver- (FEDORA-2014-12336)
 X2Go Server
Update Information:

- Remove stale X11 lock files. Thanks to Horst Schirmeier for providing that 

Update to
  o Fix upgrading from X2Go Server and below if there are still 
running/suspended sessions. Running and suspended sessions should be restarted 
after upgrade.
  o Fix clean-up of X11 socket files.
  o Fix desktop icon removal.
  o Wipe-out incomplete sessions from the session DB (can happen on session 
startup failures).
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to
  o Fix upgrading from X2Go Server and below if there are still 
running/suspended sessions. Running and suspended sessions should be restarted 
after upgrade.
  o Fix clean-up of X11 socket files.
  o Fix desktop icon removal.
  o Wipe-out incomplete sessions from the session DB (can happen on session 
startup failures).
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to
  o Fix upgrading from X2Go Server and below if there are still 
running/suspended sessions. Running and suspended sessions should be restarted 
after upgrade.
  o Fix clean-up of X11 socket files.
  o Fix desktop icon removal.
  o Wipe-out incomplete sessions from the session DB (can happen on session 
startup failures).
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to
  o Fix upgrading from X2Go Server and below if there are still 
running/suspended sessions. Running and suspended sessions should be restarted 
after upgrade.
  o Fix clean-up of X11 socket files.
  o Fix desktop icon removal.
  o Wipe-out incomplete sessions from the session DB (can happen on session 
startup failures).
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to
  o Fix upgrading from X2Go Server and below if there are still 
running/suspended sessions. Running and suspended sessions should be restarted 
after upgrade.
  o Fix clean-up of X11 socket files.
  o Fix desktop icon removal.
  o Wipe-out incomplete sessions from the session DB (can happen on session 
startup failures).
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.
Update to

  o Complete rewrite of the NX session state control / monitoring
  o Enhance support for other desktop session types (OpenBox, IceWM)
  o Attempt at supporting GNOMEv3 Flashback session in X2Go
  o Support for Cinnamon 1.4 X2Go Sessions
  o Support configuration of clipboard behaviour (server-side _and_ client-side)
  o Fix issues with non-resumable sessions after connection disrupture.
  o Support desktop sharing if sharable sessions is on a kernel namespace 
socket only.
  o Move all NX session files to /tmp. Don't store session information in $HOME 
anymore. Only place symlinks in $HOME pointing to /tmp.  Fixes performance and 
stability of X2Go with homes on network file systems.
  o Fix privilege upgrades for applications launched via pkexec.

New upstream release (
    - Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. 
(Fixes: #415).
    - If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the 
env var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
    - Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable 
via x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
    - Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
    - Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
    - x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
    - Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and 
New upstream release (
- Log SSHFS output and errors to ~/.x2go/C-<session>/sshfs-mounts.log. (Fixes: 
- If x2golistmounts is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env var 
$X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- If x2goumount-session is used without cmd option <session_id>, then the env 
var $X2GO_SESSION (current session) will be attempted to use.
- Fix x2gostartagent. Make sure the -nolisten tcp option is configurable via 
x2goagent.options. (Fixes: #424).
- Safely remove desktop files for client-side shared folders. Remove the 
correct desktop file, even if the shared folder has already been (forcefully) 
umounted. Such situations occur in cases where the connection gets interrupted. 
SSHFS will then get removed by the Linux kernel and we have to "guess" what 
desktop icons is actually to be removed.
- Fix broken file descriptor closures in x2gocleansessions. (Fixes: #441).
- x2gofm.desktop: Drop obsolete Encoding key from .desktop file.
- Fix typos / hyphen-as-minus signs issues in x2goversion.8 and x2gomountdirs.8.

* Mon Oct  6 2014 Orion Poplawski <> -
- Update to
* Fri Oct  3 2014 Orion Poplawski <> -
- Update to
* Thu Oct  2 2014 Rex Dieter <>
- -fmbindings: update mime scriptlets
* Thu Sep 25 2014 Orion Poplawski <> -
- Update to
* Tue Sep  9 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <> -
- Perl 5.20 mass
* Wed Aug 27 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <> -
- Perl 5.20 rebuild
* Tue Aug 26 2014 Orion Poplawski <> -
- Fix scriptlet requires
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- Rebuilt for
* Sun Jun  8 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> 
- Rebuilt for
* Fri May  2 2014 Orion Poplawski <> -
- Add Requires xorg-x11-xauth

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