Hello all,

Did a fresh install of Fedora 21 beta via boot.iso (essentially, so not a 
Workstation flavour).

Transferred my F20 configuration over, to the best of my ability, this involved:
- removing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* and moving my networking to 
be controlled by NetworkManager
- NetworkManager.conf:


- setup my (static) wired ethernet using nmcli and place it in the home zone 
(connectivity works!)
- the default firewall zone is public

However this is where I get issues. I create openvpn tunnels manually. In 
Fedora 20 this meant:
- a routing entry was added specifing how to route directly to the remote 
endpoint (to avoid a circularity where the yet to be established tunnel 
attempts to send it's packets over itself)
- a tunX device was created
- a 0/1 and 128/1 route was added to go over said tunnel as not to disturb the 
default route

In Fedora 21 weird stuff happens. It seems that NetworkManager tries to managed 
the newly created tunX device, and my created routes change from under me.

I mitigated this by adding a [keyfile] entry in my NetworkManger.conf to set 
tunX devices for small X to be unmanaged.

I have no problem with this, per se, as this is not particuarly out-of-the-box 
setup. However, perhaps the parties involved with F21 networking can inform me 
as what higher level configuration I can perform to get this working more 

Thank you.

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