Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Mon, 2015-03-09 at 14:34 +0000, Ian Malone wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On the Jam spin I'm not seeing the install icon on the live desktop
>> (F22 Alpha RC3). Can someone please save me having to download the
>> KDE spin and tell me whether this is also the case in the normal KDE
>> spin?
> Yes, and it's already known, fallout from Plasma 5. The KDE SIG is on
> the case and coming up with something.

<nod> righto

Current, tentative plan is to (re)add a defaulit folderview widget (which 
displays a liveinst shortcut) as well as adding liveinst to kicker favorites 
list... which is basically how it was handled in plasma4.

-- Rex

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