On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 09:26:46AM +0200, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> On 05/24/2015 08:50 AM, Joachim Backes wrote:
> >Perhaps what you described is an additional (nautilus) problem.
> Probably. My issue looks different (C.f. attachment; "Fedora" icon theme w/
> nautilus under xfce).
> I guess, what I am facing are part of xfce/Gnome interoperability issues.
> AFAIS, there seem to be quite a few, more.
> They are handicapping usability to an extend, it's not unlikely, I'll stay
> with fc21 on my production systems, at least for now.
> Ralf

I also suffered from HUGE icons after a fresh F21 install on some
machines, but not others.  With xfce4, some GUI programs - nm-applet,
system-config-printer, etc. - had 1.75 inch sq icons instead of normal
0.25 inch sq., making those panels nearly incomprehensible.

I tracked the problem to left-over configuration files as a
consequence of my usual practice of freshly installing a new Fedora
in alternating root partitions, but retaining the /home partition
The problem was due in some mysterious way to the contents of
because, when I deleted that directory and restarted Xfce, the icons
returned to normal size.  (The directory and contents were

That's pretty obscure.

Your observation, Ralf, that the theme may be culpable, is probably
correct.  The problem hasn't recurred since I changed to a theme not
named "Xfce-*".  This was prompted by another bug - reported by Stuart
McGraw - that checkmarks did not persist in check boxes, and 
  "After considerable playing around I discovered that the missing
  checkmark effect occurs on whenever an xfce* style is selected
  in app-menu -> settings -> appearance."

This is all a mystery wrapped in an enigma - and a giant PITA.
That it may be due to interaction with gnome merely encourages
conspiracy theories.

        David A. De Graaf    DATIX, Inc.    Hendersonville, NC
        d...@datix.us         www.datix.us

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