On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Paul W. Frields <sticks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 01:23:10PM -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 10:03:34AM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
>> > The blocker process is not a tool for the rest of the project to use as
>> > a reminder system. It doesn't work very well for that. The expectation
>> [...]
>> > * QA tests Thing and finds no-one ever even started working on it
>> > * QA files bug and marks it blocker
>> > * Team Thing starts working on Thing
>> > I realize that's an exaggerated example, but it's just to make the
>> > point clear. That's not a sane development process.
>> Yeah; if this wasn't clear in my last message, I think that it does,
>> unfortunately, seem to work that way by default for lack of any
>> better/stronger schedule reminder system. I think in any case where we
>> *do* hit something which slipped off whichever non-QA schedule, we
>> should fix _that_ side first.
>> Now, maybe it is also the case that the wallpaper is not really an
>> appropriate blocker. I'm pretty sympathetic to that point on its own,
>> too. So, I think the appropriate thing to do here is to drop this
>> particular blocker, but add it to something else that serves as a
>> that reminder system — ideally, with some form of teeth. Since this
>> seems like a program management function, I'm going to talk to Jan
>> Kurik — Fedora Program Manager — about it.
> This sounds like a very good idea to me, Matthew.

That's actually the way how we did it :). At some point, I checked what's
the status of backgrounds, very often Design team was already on it (as
always, great job). But sometimes it was stuck and that was my job to
unstuck it. Yes, I could leverage the blocker to push on Desing team but
I don't think it's really that necessary as great guys on board.


Jaroslav Řezník <jrez...@redhat.com>
Engineering Program Manager

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