On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 02:35:11PM -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Recently, we discovered a bug in gnutls that caused Cockpit to be
> unreachable by recent versions of Google Chrome. It was ambiguous what
> the release criteria actually means, since it didn't specify which
> browser applications were blocking. I'd like to propose the following
> additional wording for Cockpit criteria:
> * All Cockpit functional criteria must be satisfied when the user is
> running any of the following blocking browsers:
>  - Mozilla Firefox as shipped in the same Fedora release
>  - Mozilla Firefox of the latest available version on Windows at
>    compose time.
>  - Mozilla Firefox of the latest available version on OSX at compose
>    time.
>  - Google Chrome of the latest available version on Fedora at compose
>    time.
>  - Google Chrome of the latest available version on Windows at compose
>    time.
>  - Google Chrome of the latest available version on OSX at compose time.
> Alternately, we could decide that it's only *blocking* if the above
> browsers work with Cockpit when the browser is running on Fedora, but
> that is somewhat at odds with our reasoning for having a management
> console as a web UI in the first place: that it is accessible
> regardless of the client system.
> Comments welcome, but please keep replies on the
> test@lists.fedoraproject.org list, as that's where criteria decisions
> are made.
> Version: GnuPG v2
> iEYEARECAAYFAlYpLFwACgkQeiVVYja6o6NF/wCgg6iot1JKOfmAbTZMboBcPvs5
> ZIIAnA+YxRAjPMt69lqv2nOR7qXnCYnV
> =PIuy

I'm +1 in general to these criteria. As Dennis said, we just need to
make sure we have access to Windows/OSX in order to actually do the

// Mike 
Fedora QA
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