This occurred to me while I was upgrading using the CLI instructions [1] and 
got prompted with:

   [SKIPPED] sudo-1.8.18p1-1.fc25.i686.rpm: Already downloaded
   [SKIPPED] the_silver_searcher-0.33.0-1.fc25.i686.rpm: Already downloaded
   [SKIPPED] tzdata-2016i-1.fc25.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
   [SKIPPED] tzdata-java-2016i-1.fc25.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
   warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/dmidecode-3.0-5.fc25.i686.rpm: Header 
V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID fdb19c98: NOKEY
   Importing GPG key 0xFDB19C98:
   Userid     : "Fedora 25 Primary (25) <>"
   Fingerprint: C437 DCCD 558A 66A3 7D6F 4372 4089 D8F2 FDB1 9C98
   From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-25-i386
   Is this ok [y/N]: y
   Key imported successfully
   Running transaction check
   Transaction check succeeded.
   Running transaction test

Since the installation instructions urge users to validate the download [2] 
would it make sense to add something similar [3] to the DNF wiki as the very 
first step?


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