On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 04:52:05PM +0200, Kamil Paral wrote:
> I don't really understand this, and I haven't read the meeting log, so I
> apologize if my questions are dumb.

I was in the meeting, and I was confused - so your questions aren't
dumb. :)

> Why would we dictate that Editions/Spins can't use different software on
> different architectures? It might make perfect sense to use browser X on
> x86_64 because it's very good, but use browser Y on i386 because of memory
> limitations of i386 arch (browser Y needing much less memory than browser
> X). Similarly, if shell A no longer supports i386, why would be ban it from
> being preinstalled on x86_64? i386 would have shell B instead. Those are
> random examples, but it seems to me that they can be completely valid. If
> there's such requirement that Editions/Spins can't install different
> software on different arches, I think that should be established by FESCo,
> not us.

I concur with Kamil on this one, I think there's valid reasons a package
set might be different based on the arch. If this is indeed the
direction we want to go, I think FESCo needs to make that call.

> For this particular Firefox example, what is the core problem that you're
> trying to fix here? Is it the fact that Firefox excluded many arches from
> builds? From my QA POV, since it excluded arm, it's a blocker, since arm is
> primary. If it hadn't excluded arm, it would not be a blocker, and
> alternate arches would need to find a way (fix the bug or use a different
> browser). If you still think this should not happen, you could ask FESCo to
> present some rules saying when Fedora packagers can exclude other arches
> from the build and when they can't. We could then enforce that (instead of
> prohibiting different package sets).

As I think I said in the meeting, I thought the bug as filed was the
blocker and didn't see the need for the shadow bug created to track
blockeriness. It was a secondary affect, sure; but we deal with that all
the time. I concur that it might be a good idea to keep a list (FESCo
generated probably?) of "key" packages that need to be available on all
arches, or what arches they're allowed to not use.

// Mike
Fedora QA
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