"Mark A. Wicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Prabhu has definitely uncovered a bug, but changing the length of the
> string isn't the right fix.  That field should never be more than 24
> characters (including the terminating null character).
> I'm working on a fix.  It looks like there's more than one thing
> broken in asn_date().

Thanks for the quick reaction. May I ask about an approximate timeline
for the fix? Perhaps you know that teTeX-3.0 is soon to be released
(i.e. within the next one, two or three weeks, I guess). Maybe Thomas
Esser is willing to coordinate somewhat with you. Alternatively, there
might be some 3.0.1 minor release in a couple of months (just a guess),
where the fix might go in if you don't have time at present. 

I'm Cc-ing the tetex beta list in order to notify them of the progress.

Happy TeX'ing,
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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