Frank Küster writes:

> Maybe SYSTEXMF should be renamed to TEXMFSYSFONTS?
> Hm, which version of teTeX in Debian do you mean?  For the 3.0
> packages, neither TEXMFVAR nor TEXMFSYSVAR will be in TEXMFSYS.

Ah, I see, there were some major changes after 2.99.7 that I haven't
introduced into my texmf.cnf.  I did not expect any changes and did
not check for them.  I will have a careful look into this.

To be bold, this unbelievable flexibility confuses me.  I am wondering
what the plusses are to have a more complex texmf.cnf than say, for

  CONFIG:   /etc/texmf/
  STATIC:   /usr/share/texmf/
  DYNAMIC:  /var/lib/texmf/

and for users

  FONTS:    /var/cache/fonts/

Then duplicate the lot for the user's $HOME directory.

I have not yet, as a packager nor as user, felt the need for much more
than that.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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