"GG" == Giuseppe Ghibò writes:

 GG> BTW, FYI I compared tetex-3.0 texmf tree with mine extras tree,
 GG> and I found it misses the following files:

 GG> missed tex/latex/cyrillic/lcycmlh.fdd
 GG> missed tex/latex/cyrillic/ot2cmams.fdd
 GG> missed tex/latex/cyrillic/ot2cmlh.fdd
 GG> missed tex/latex/cyrillic/t2lhfnt.fdd

these ones are source files (analogs of *.dtx files, but with
extension *.fdd, because they are used for font *.fd files),
so they are not needed in tex/latex/cyrillic/
(but they are probably present in source/latex/cyrillic/)


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