Giuseppe Ghibo' wrote:
> Thomas Esser wrote:
> >
> > > Giuseppe Ghibo' writes:
> > >  > > there is a recently-announced "textrace" program which goes some of
> > >  > URL?
> > > ur, um, I have lost it! did anyone else record it?
> >
> >
> Thanks a lot. Hmmm, it seems bitmap vector tracing, which could
> have problems of precisions. If I remember right, METAPOST can
> extract outlines in type3 too, so the problem would be to
> convert type3 outlines to type1 and add the hints manually. MetaFOG from

of course Type3 fonts are not "outlines", and the Type3 -> Type1 conversion is still
the key for a more precise conversion, but does exists a such generic tool?


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