> this problem?  I'd always thought that "exit x" should set $? to x on all
> platforms.

I guess that the systems in question don't show "rc=0" when executing the
following code:
  /bin/sh -c "trap 'echo rc=\$?; exit \$rc' 0; false; exit 0"

On Linux with bash and with the /bin/sh on Sun Solaris 2.7, I get "rc=0",

Anyway, I will use a common way for setting up $tmpdir and cleaning it up
in all my scripts using the technique of the new updmap.

The new way no longer calls the trap on "signal" 0 and needs an explicit
call to cleanup(). A graceful termination of the script will call "true;
cleanup" instead of "exit 0".  The first motivation for the new technique
was to work around a bug on OS/X (where /bin/sh is a broken zsh)...


PS: did anybody get any bounces / problem reports when sending to
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not tetex-pretest!). There has not
    been any message on the tetex list since july, 8th.  any I wonder
    if there is a technical problem...

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