Hallo, I've used MiKTeX for most of my TeX-life, but now that I erased windows from my disk I switched to the debian tetex packages.
I believe I installed all the relevant packages: tetex-base, tetex-extra, but I still get errors trying to compile, because latex can't find: "textcomp" and "eulervmsys". In MiKTeX I would call the package manager, look for the desired pack and have it installed. I was wondering if tetex had such a tool. If not, how do you check that a given package is installed? Knowing whether the package is available, and especially where (since the docs should be somewhere around) is quite helpful. Moreover, does anyone know if debian refreshes the package list after installing something with apt-get? That is, let's say the packages I want come bundled in tetex-extra, which I installed - do I need to run some command (texhash?) to get them on the list? Thanks in advance, Renato