hello - I am trying to install 3.0 on a cluster of about 15 pc i686-pc-linux-gnu. I have installed in /usr/soft/teTeX-new/, saving the old tree in /usr/soft/teTeX/ as suggested. the building of the executables went ok. what I have troubles with is:

I have custom fonts, and I want them known to LaTeX. I have, as root, changed TETEXDIR=/usr/soft/teTeX-new and changed PATH etc... in the following way:

      PATH="`echo $PATH     | sed -e 's/teTeX/teTeX-new/'`"
   MANPATH="`echo $MANPATH  | sed -e 's/teTeX/teTeX-new/'`"
  INFOPATH="`echo $INFOPATH | sed -e 's/teTeX/teTeX-new/'`"

I have updated $TETEXDIR/share/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg in the following way:

- uncommented "Map lucidabr.map" and "Map lumath.map";
- uncomment "Map mt-yy.map" and "Map mt-plus.map";
- commented "#! Map mt-belleek.map";
- added to the end the following lines:

# Additions MLO 08-Mar-2005
# CM-super fonts
MixedMap cm-super-t1.map

# Adobe Euro fonts
Map zpeu.map

# Micropress Baskerville
Map baskerville.map

# Micropress Informal Math
Map iffonts.map

# BrushscriptX-Italic
Map pbsi.map

# Optional Adobe fonts
Map optadobe.map

and then run "updmap". LaTeX does not recognize my fonts, and, with my GREAT SURPRISE, $TETEXDIR/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/psfonts_t1.map is UNCHANGED.

I have then manually edited psfonts_t1.map (I know, it's forbidden), inserting all the font declarations at the end for lucida/mathtime/all my
other fonts; LaTeX chokes again because cannot find cm.enc, needed by the cm-super fonts; but cm.enc is there, in the texmf-local tree, in $TETEXDIR/share/texmf-local/fonts/map/dvips/. kpsewhich cm.enc types *nothing*. running texhash does not change anything. I don't understand what's happening --- could you help please? please?

Maurizio Loreti                       http://www.pd.infn.it/~loreti/mlo.html
Un. of Padova, Dept. of Physics - Padova, Italy        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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