
> 1. After ./configure, I noticed there was no /bin directory with a 
> platform (I had of course installed the two packages "tetex-texmf" and 
> "tetex-texmfsrc" as described in the installation instructions).

  Uhm.. I am not sure what you mean? Before you hit make install nothing
should be put in your system dirs. ./configure should just create a
bunch of makefiles and config.h and such. 

> 2. Running "make world" ended with the following error messages:
> mv t-tex.pro tex.pro
> ./squeeze <texps.lpro >t-texps.pro
> mv t-texps.pro texps.pro
> /bin/sh ./texc.script ./tex.lpro texc.lpro
> ./texc.script: line 7: ed: command not found

  There you go. 'ed' is missing on your system. This is a somewhat basic
editor, a good description for installation is here:

  But Mandrake should also offer it via it's package management.

  I ran into that problem once too and installing ed did the trick. I
don't know though, if there is something else wrong, but the missing
'ed' for sure is a problem :-)


I suppose the secret to happiness is learning to appreciate the moment.
    -- Calvin

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