
I have rather strange problem. The first time I ran latex on my
document (see below) everyting is Ok (I do not have table of contents). If
I ran latex for the second time I have [Please insert into preamble]
instead of russian letters in the beginning of my table of contens (8
times for my document, as I have 8 russian letters.). If I ran again I
have normal ToC. If I ran again, again [Please insert into preamble]...
and so on. All other parts of my rather big document I can see in dvi
without any problems. Only this first entry of my ToC.

The example of my document is below:



Here follows some other text in russian. sections... And I can see
everything in my dvi output without any problems.


I have tetex-3.0 installed on my system. Also I've installed
latex-unicode-20041017. My OS is gentoo Linux. If I add other
chapters/sections I can see them in toc. But the first entry always have
such strange behavour. Works in half of compilations :)

Why I have such behavour? How can I fix this?

Thank you for your time,

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