> I discovered I hand no texmf-local  in  /usr/local/teTeX/share even 
> though one of the environment variables below is pointing toward it.

texmf-local is an optional thing. If you create it (i.e. put files into
the proper subdirectories, run texhash), it will just work.

> I also discovered .texmf-config and .texmf-var in /root, something I am 

teTeX-3.0 has two set of directory trees for configuration and
variable data files. One set (TEXMFSYSVAR / TEXMFSYSCONFIG) is for
global configuration to set defaults valid for the whole installation.
The other set (TEXMFVAR / TEXMFCONFIG) is for user specific configuration
and the default paths for them are below $HOME.

The concepts of teTeX's texmf trees are explained in the teTeX manual,
which you can open by calling
  texdoc TETEXDOC
or by opening it from here:

> /root/.texmf-var/web2c/etex.fmt

I guess that you have used texconfig (or fmtutil) instead of texconfig-sys
(resp. fmtutil-sys). You can safely remove /root/.texmf-var and
/root/.texmf-config unless you want to use TeX as root with special


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