Thomas Esser пишет:
All text is rendered ok, but the problem is that the conversion of non-latin characters by teTeX into something weird like "^^de^^d4^^c5^^ce^^c9^^c5" while writing them into file with \write.

I guess that you are using teTeX-2.0, because teTeX-3.0 processes this
without any problem. The solution to this problem for teTeX-2.0 is to pass
--translate-file=cp8bit, either like this:
  latex --translate-file=cp8bit foo.tex

Or by adding
  %& --translate-file=cp8bit.tcx
to your TeX source (first line) and setting
  parse_first_line = t
in texmf.cnf.


Thanks! It works. Nevertheless I am still to prepend \string to characters:

input [shape="parallelogram",label="ii\stringч\stringт\stringе\stringн\stringи\stringеqtenie"]
init [shape="circle",style=filled,label=\string"\string"]
init->b; b->final
final [shape="doublecircle",style=filled,label=\string"\string"]
} $$

If I do not I end up with something like "\T2A\cyrishrt \T2A\cyrc \
T2A\cyru \T2A\cyrk" in output file :( Any solution ?


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