I used ensure I got the right output by having constructs at the top
of the source files like this:

    \pdffalse       % we are not running PDFLaTeX
    \pdfoutput=1    % we are running PDFLaTeX

 ... do some pdf things


and so on.

latex file      didn't define "pdfoutput" so it miised the PDF stuff out
                  and crated a DVI

pdflatex file   did define "pdfoutput" so it included PDF specific stuff
                 and created a PDF

teTex's pdflatex/latex always seems ot define pdfoutput even when 
I try   -output-format=dvi

Have I missed something ?

Could I just have installed it incorrectly ?

Reading the obvious posting at the list archive, I get the idea I
might not have to do the jumping through \ifdef\pdfoutput anyway
but so far, the penny (pfennig ?) hasn't dropped for me.


*  Kevin M. Buckley              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
*                                                                    *
*  Systems Administrator                                             *
*  Computer Centre                                                   *
*  Lancaster University          Voice:  +44 (0) 1524 5 93718        *
*  LANCASTER. LA1 4YW            Fax  :  +44 (0) 1524 5 25113        *
*  England.                                                          *
*                                                                    *
*  My PC runs Linux/GNU, you still computing the Bill Gate$' way ?   *

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