>>>>> "Scott" == Scott J Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > It seems that in the last update to tetex(3) pdfetex was set as
  > the default render engine for tex.  I am having problems with it
  > in that it doesn't interpret environment variables in the tex
  > files.  The old engine(etex) interpreted them properly.  Is there
  > a way to switch back to etex or get pdfetex to interpret the
  > environment variables?  Thank you.

It had never been intended that TeX supports environment variables.

I remember that there had been a discussion about it long time ago,
but I don't remember any details.  Obviously somthing had been changed
indeed a few years ago, but as I said before, it had never been
intended to support environment variables.

You can still use environment variables in some situations, for

\input $HOME/envtest.tex

Does this work?  This is not a feature of TeX, it's the shell which
expands $HOME.

I don't think that it is useful to add features like this to TeX.  In
a few months pdf*tex will have a Lua interpreter built in which will
give you more convenient access to the environment.

See http://www.lua.org for details about Lua.

However, it would be helpful to have a precise description of your
problem and a small .tex file which demonstrates your problem.


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-4592165
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