
I have installed tetex on an IBM RS/6000 with
AIX 4.3.

LaTeX, TeX, dvips and ghostview work
faultless, but if I want to execute xdvi, I
get the following error message

   exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program
xdvi.bin because of the
following errors:
           0509-130 Symbol resolution failed
for xdvi.bin because:
           0509-136   Symbol XtStrings
(number 4) is not exported from
                      dependent module
           0509-136   Symbol XtShellStrings
(number 7) is not exported
                      dependent module


           0509-136   Symbol XGetGCValues
(number 349) is not exported
                      dependent module
           0509-136   Symbol XSetWMProtocols
(number 350) is not
exported from
                      dependent module
           0509-192 Examine .loader section
symbols with the
                    'dump -Tv' command.

even though the libraries libXt.a and
libX11.a exists and there are the objets

How I can solve this problem?


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