"Arto V. Viitanen" wrote:
> I fetched and compiled the teTeX beta 20000201 on my Linux PC (kernel
> 2.3.42,
> Redhat 6.0, gcc  2.96 19991228). It compiled fine, but when I run the
> "texconfig confall", I got error messages
> Error: file texmf.cnf not found in
> ``/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i686-pc/share/texmf/web2c''.
> TEXMFMAIN ``/usr/local/teTeX/bin/i686-pc/share/texmf'' seems to have the
> wrong value from a texmf.cnf file.

I (or actually Thomas Esser) solved the problem: The C compiler is a
version, and it generates wrong code.

But, I have another problem:

I had a document that has author as

Tietojenkäsittelyopin laitos\\

This does not work. If I change it to


it works. 

The Lamport's LaTeX book (1986 edition) says that it is ok to use \\ on
entry (the \documentclass is amsart). Has something changed?

Arto V. Viitanen                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Tampere, Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Tampere, Finland                                      http://www.cs.uta.fi/~av/

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