Hi Karsten,

> backend names are.  There was not much time to work it out, but my
> first draft had a user level syntax
>         \usepackage [rm=palatino, sf=univers, tt=lettergothic] {corelpak}

This looks a bit like the syntacs of the upcoming ConTeXt release:

(Don't ask me for details of the internal syntax until the final release
as a beta this remains changing stuff which almost only Hans Hagen knows

% set default math font to mathtimes:
\setuptypeface [default] [mm] [times] [math] [default] []

% Define the Joke font family

\setuptypeface [joke] [rm] [times-roman] [serif] [default] [texnansi]
\setuptypeface [joke] [ss] [helvetica]   [sans]  [default] [texnansi]
\setuptypeface [joke] [tt] [courier]     [mono]  [default] [texnansi]
\setuptypeface [joke] [mm] [informal]    [math]  [default] [texnansi]

% use it

{\joke     {\tttf joke  :}{[test \ss test \tt test $a=b$]}} \par

with defintions like

\starttypescript [serif-antykwa-torunska] [ec]
  \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Regular] [zatr8t]  [encoding=ec]
  \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Italic]  [zatri8t] [encoding=ec]
  \definefontsynonym [AntykwaTorunska-Bold]    [zatb8t]  [encoding=ec]

\starttypescript [informal] 


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