On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Joost Kremers wrote:

> hi all,
> a short while ago, someone on the list asked how he could get dvips to use
> type1 fonts. the answer that was given was to use 'dvips -Ppdf ...'
> when i use this, dvips gives the output which i appended below, which AFAIK
> shows it is using the type 1 fonts. (i.e., there is mention of .pfb files.)
> i use the standard computer modern font, and teTeX 1.0 running on SuSE7.1.
> could it be that gs is too old? it is version 5.5. and if not, what is going
> wrong?

gs 5.5 is too old. You should grap version 6.51 (not 7.0 which is buggy)
from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript/


   Hans Fredrik Nordhaug,       |   web:    www.mi.uib.no/~hansfn
      Ph.D. student at          |   phone:    (+47) 55 58 48 79
    Department of Mathematics,  |   fax:      (+47) 55 58 96 72
    University of Bergen        |   e-mail:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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