I apologize for sending the earlier mail to tetex-pretest instead of tetex.

> > If I'm in root and do texexec, everything works fine.
> > If I'm in my user account and do texexec, everything works fine.
> >
> > If I su to my home directory from root (or su to root from my home
> > dir), then texexec gives the error
> What do you mean with "su to [your] home directory"?  su is used for
> changing users, not directories.

My mistake; still new to Unix. Yes, I meant  "su to a different user id"

> > If from here I su back to my home dir (or to root), the error
> > remains.
> What does echo $PATH tell?  What does env|grep "^PATH=" tell?

My default shell is bash.

Upon opening a console:

~> echo $PATH

> env|grep "^PATH="

> texexec

 TeXExec 2.8 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2002

                --help   show this or more, e.g. '--help interface'
             --verbose   shows some additional info

        total run time : 0 seconds

Upon su:

 # echo $PATH

 # env|grep "^PATH="

 # texexec
`texexec.pl' not found.

Here are all of the PATH mods I made:

1.  /etc/profile.d/texsetup.sh

 case ":$PATH:" in *:/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux:*) ;;
  *) PATH="/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux:$PATH"

2. in my home user directory, in .bashrc and .profile:

export PATH

3. in my root home directory, 

in .bashrc and .profile:

export PATH

> This is executed in login shells, but nowhere else.  One possibility
> would be that you need to add
> export PATH
> although I really can't believe that PATH would not already be
> exported.

I tried this; does not change anything

> Another would be that you have some settings in
> ~/.bashrc
> that reset the PATH to a fixed value.

My only other uncommented lines in .bashrc are

if test -z "$DISPLAY" -a "$TERM" = "xterm" -a -x /usr/bin/who ; then
    WHOAMI="`/usr/bin/who am i`"
    _DISPLAY="`expr "$WHOAMI" : '.*(\([^\.][^\.]*\).*)'`:0.0"
    if [ "${_DISPLAY}" != ":0:0.0" -a "${_DISPLAY}" != " :0.0" \
         -a "${_DISPLAY}" != ":0.0" ]; then
        export DISPLAY="${_DISPLAY}";

test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias

> A third one would be that after doing the change above you have not
> logged out: the change will only take effect in sessions started
> after it has been done.

makes no difference

> A fourth one would be that the permissions of
> /etc/profile.d/texsetup.sh are set in a way as to make the file
> unreadable for some users.

I checked; User, Group, and Others all have Read permission

> A fifth one would be that your default shell is not bash or a Bourne
> shell.

Default is bash.

Thnx to all for trying! I'll keep working on it....


Dr. Idris S Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80526

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