Many thanks to Thomas Esser for his recent release of tetex 2.0. 
Anxious to start using it, I have a basic question about installation. 
The installation instructions (INSTALL and QuickInstall) seem to be
written primarily for use on a machine that does not already have an
older version of tetex. With tetex 1.0 running on my Linux box, I'm not
sure how best to upgrade to version 2.0.  I've read FAQ point 16 on
deinstalling an old version, but it refers to the transition from 0.2 to
0.3 and may not apply to the current transition. Any advice would be
most welcome.
John P. Burkett
Department of Economics
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881-0808

phone (401) 874-4122
fax   (401) 874-2858

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