Dirk Laurie wrote:
> Don Simons skryf:
> > I'm thinking that version 2.4 will come out as a full release whenever the
> > postscript slur situation is finalized.
> One feature that you can put in at the pmx.tex level is to allow
> multiline title, composer and part headings.  I've been asked by
> Christian to put such a feature into M-Tx, but it seems to me to
> belong naturally to pmx.tex, since it is so easy to implement there.
> The following changes are needed:
> (1) Redefine the centerline, leftline and rightline macros of
>     plain TeX to allow several lines each.  This can be done
>     as follows, using \\ as a line separator:
> \def\centerline#1{{\def\\{\hss\egroup\smallskip\par\line\bgroup\hss}%
>   \line\bgroup\hss#1\hss\egroup}}
> \def\leftline#1{{\def\\{\hss\egroup\smallskip\par\line\bgroup}%
>   \line\bgroup#1\hss\egroup}}
> \def\rightline#1{{\def\\{\egroup\smallskip\par\line\bgroup\hss}%
>   \line\bgroup\hss#1\egroup}}
> A purist may insist that the macros should be renamed, but they are
> fully backward compatible with plain TeX, except of course if you
> happened to define \\ yourself somewhere and are relying on that
> definition to hold here.
> (2) Slightly change the way they are invoked by \titles so that
> the scope of the font selection runs over all the lines.
> \def\titles#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\kern-\lin@pos%
> \kern-3.2\Interligne\kern-\parindent\kern-\afterruleskip%
> \kern-\sign@skip%
> \vbox{\vskip#1\Interligne
> \ifx\relax#2\relax\else{\Bigtype\leftlines #2}\fi\vskip#3\Interligne%
> \ifx\relax#4\relax\else{\BIGtype\centerlines #4}\fi\vskip#5\Interligne%
> \ifx\relax#6\relax\else{\Bigtype\rightlines #6}\fi\vskip#7\Interligne}}%

I've just tested the above proposal on one of my Praetorius choral music
typesettings. It allows me to do preamble assignments like

Title: Parvulus nobis nascitur\\{\sl Uns ist ein Kindlein heut geborn}
Composer: Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)\\Musae Sioniae, Sechster Theil,
1609, XLIII

I did the test by simply adding Dirk's revised TeX code to my M-Tx
source with \makeatletter and \makeatother before and after the
redefinition of \titles - and correction of macro names: \leftlines ->
\leftline ... :-)

I vote for the inclusion of these features!

Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 - http://www.scandiatransplant.org
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