I installed the latest MikTeX on windowsxp
and used the readme file (Takanori Uchiyama) from the
musix_ps directory on the http://icking-music-archive.sunsite.dk/
(mentioned as ZIP)
Takanori Uchiyama gives an example of  batch  file to install

There are (for me) a few things to remember:

Miktex has the type 1 fonts in the distribution


I think they propably are to be replaced by new ones.

the ligatures are replaced by a pound sign (in Latex)

the old:
set PATH=c:\musixtex\pmx;c:\musixtex\mtx\prepmx;%path%
in windows98 must be repaced in windowsxp or 2000 by a setting in:

control panel -> system -> advanced -> environment.

(thanks to helpful people on the list)

With the old(er) miktex i was able to install a musixtex.fmt
with musixtex.tex in it (much faster)

the install file musixtex.ins (edited from the distribution) was:
\input musixtex
%\input musixcpt
%\input musixsty

The initex batch file:
C:\texmf\miktex\BIN\INITEX.EXE &plain musixtex.ins
copy musixtex.fmt C:\"Local TeXMF"\miktex\fmt
del musixtex.fmt

and an example of use (in a batch file):
C:\texmf\miktex\BIN\VIRTEX.EXE &musixtex %1.tex

Now it should be possible to use the Miktex wizard

start -> programs -> MiKTeX -> MiKTeX Option

to add a format file

i used these parameters:
but it did not worked out. I added a file '\input plain' in musixtex.ins
but it does not help.

Now i use TeX and edit all my (musix,pmx)files with the line
\input musixtex


----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Mondrup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 10:51 PM
Subject: [TeX-music] MiKTeX & MusiXTeX et. al.

> Dear all.
> Today I've had the opportunity to install MiKTeX (v. 2.1) from scratch
> on a win98 pc.
> Hereby I also got the chance to test whether my guidelines for first
> time installation of MusiXTeX software on unix machines (see
> apply for MiKTeX as well. This turns out to be generally the case.
> I got the type 1 fonts working for dvipdfm as well by just following the
> installation instructions in the distribution file. And this is actually
> what is important to me. However the installation of the type 1 fonts
> for postscript use can't be done as described in the distribution
> because the file texmf\dvips\config\updmap is a shell script which is
> identic with the one found in the unix TeTeX installations. Such a shell
> script can only be executed on a win9x pc if a bash shell interpreter is
> also installed.
> If any of you can supply a working method for installation of type 1
> fonts for postscript on win9x then it shouldn't be that hard to provide
> a MusiXTeX intallation HOWTO for MiKTeX.
> Bye
> --
> Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
> Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
> Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
> Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 - http://www.scandiatransplant.org
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