I have 2 problems in writing xtuplets in pmx, which may or may not
be related.

Look at the following example:

% nv,noinst,mtrnuml,mtrdenl,mtrnump,mtrdenp,xmtrnum0,isig,  %
  1    1      2       4        2      4        0      0     %
%                                                           %
% npages,nsyst,musicsize,fracindent                         %
    0     6     16        0.12                              %
Violin                                                      %
t                                                           %
./                                                          %
%                                                           %
       (t f2            /    % bar 1                        %
       f2x3n+2f f ) af  /    % bar 2                        %
       e2               /    % bar 3                        %

  (i) Obviously, I would rather have a halfnote f in bar 2
      instead of the two quarternote f's; but I don't know how to
      do that. The pmx manual says that it is possible to have
      notes of different duration in xtuplets, but doesn't
      tell you how to code that,
 (ii) once that is done, I would like the tie to extend from the
      halfnote f in bar 1 to the halfnote f in bar 2 (i.e. 2/3 of
      the triplet); but since the beginning of the xtuplet
      notation in pmx doesn't allow spaces, I don't know where
      (and how) to place the closing ).

      What seems to look logical, viz.

                    (t f2          /
                    f22x3n+2 ) af  /
                    e2             /

is severely disliked by pmx.

Any help anybody? Don??


   / | \
   \_|_/    Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack    Phones:
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                    WWW-page: www-theorie.physik.uni-bremen.de/~noack

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