On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Don Simons wrote:

> As you may have guessed by now, you exceeded the maximum dimension for
> the number of literal TeX strings per input block: 52.  AFAIK you are
> the first person in the history of PMX to have done so.

I guessed already that is has to do with the length of the source.

> I'll make a note to increase this dimension in the next release, but
> meanwhile you can solve the problem simply by breaking the offending
> input block in two.

Since the piece is quite large (twelve voices in about 600 bars) I was
already expecting to touch some limits like that. Breaking it into smaller
pieces works fine. But would it be a big thing to get the page number
printed on the first page even when there is only one system? The number
of throw-away-pages is getting larger and larger :-)


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