On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Christian Mondrup wrote:

> I've been looking at your question concerning
> suppressing empty bars in an M-Tx typesetting. After
> having processed your sample code I actually don't
> understand *what* you want suppress besides the
> content of the bars. Are you hinting at the very
> staves?

Sorry if I expressed myself unclear. I don't want those
empty staves to appear in my output. Or alternatively,
I'd like to be able to decrease temporarily the number
of voices, which would amount to the same.

> In that case that'll be really hard to achieve and
> probably on 'raw' musixtex only and with heavy
> assistence from one of our musixtex wizzards like
> Rainer Dunker.

That doesn't sound nice.
Are there no other possibilities to solve this?


  Irwin Oppenheim

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