Stefan Svensson wrote:
> This example crashes PMX. If I remove the rest at the beginning of 
> the fourth triplet, it works.
> ---
> 1 1 4 4 4 4  0 0 0 4 20 0
> t
> ./
> c4x3 d e f4x3 r a b4x3 a g r4x3 e d /
> ---
> Result:
> pmxab test.pmx
>  This is PMX, Version 2.357, 13 March 2002
>  Opening test.pmx                                       
>  Starting first PMX pass
>   Bar 1
>  Done with first pass
>  Starting second PMX pass
>   Bar 1make: *** [test.tex] Segmentation fault

I can't reproduce this error with my linux binary of the same PMX 
version. I wonder whether the compilation used make difference like it 
apparently have done for me in other cases. If I compile the PMX fortran 
sources with the 'official' GNU fortran compiler g77 I actually run into 
such crashes every now and then. I (mostly) don't experience such 
crashes with PMX-binaries built in two steps with f2c and gcc resp.:

f2c pmxab.f -Nn802 -Nx400

gcc pmxab.c -lf2c -lm -o pmxab

Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 -

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