Greetings, All!!

Christian Mondrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote...

[in reply to...]
> Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> > "Olivier Vogel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >>So is there a simple program, with in-line command (like PMX or M-Tx),
> >>for converting easily a midi file to PMX or MusiXTeX?
> >
> >
> > LilyPond comes with a fairly simple python script, that will covert
> > MIDI to LilyPond input: midi2ly.
> >
> > Although that's not what you want, it would not be too much work to
> > write a simple pmx backend for it.
> >
> IMHO converting MIDI to some sheet music notation format is non trivial
> if the source of the MIDI data is anything else than output from a sheet
> note editor. For example if MIDI data are sequenced in from real time
> playing on a keyboard the MIDI-to-some-editor program will have to deal
> with things such as quantization. You can never know how 'loose' the
> keyboard playing was.
> --
> Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer

This thread really wakes me up these days.  Christian has made a very good
and accurate summary of the major issues facing related to MIDI input to
PMX.  I am mostly a user of M-Tx and would like to target MIDI input to
M-Tx, since I am more likely to need quick and easy lyrics input... )

However ;-((... I have sometimes started down this road only to be
sidetracked by lack of time, and many side trips into other interesting
subjects, but no real progress on this problem.  (I dream on...)

Now, realizing that I am likely to be a Windows 'Whatever' user for the
forseeable future, (oh Linix/Unix people, forsake me NOT :-), most of the
things I have considered revolve around improving the efficiency of the
basic input, and the most familiar environment is Windows 95.

Consequently, it would NOT be real important, nor very realistic, to work
toward a comprehensive translation of 'everything in the MIDI file' to
something on the printed page.  (Well, as Christian points out, a lot of
problems can crop up...)

The most useful tool to me would be a 'MIDI clip capture' tool; something
that would 'listen' to a simple line from a 'real time' MIDI keyboard, and
then interpret that into a trial clipping that could be adjusted or
corrected, then 'pasted' into the open M-Tx (or PMX) file 'in work.'  In
short, we would need a lot more versatile IDE (integrated development
environment), even more than just a tool for translating a MIDI file into

Another feature that such an IDE might have would be to both 'isolate' and
'merge' part streams into an existing file.  For example, it would be really
nice to pull (say) 12 bars of the ALTO part into a work buffer, fix it in
some way (maybe even do things like search and replace on just that text,
etc.) and then paste/replace it back into the open file.  It would be nice
to be able to create a part independently 'in the work window' and just add
it into the midst of the other parts.  (You can see that this capability
would be the enabling functionality under the MIDI capture function
described above.)

It would be great if one could (say) highlight 5 bars and request
'preview'... The selected text input would be (internally) buffered with a
'faked' preface and various context setup, then rendered (yah... the whole
PMX, Tex x 2, Dvi-View sequence), which (by the way) is hardly a time
problem on any decent PC any more.  (Did I hear about anyone working on a
side-by-side Tex Rendering system, with any MusixTex implications...)

Well, I can always dream!  These are all development tasks that I would
commend to any interested parties!  However, some of the simple things would
be to translate MIDI clips into M-Tx or PMX... the tough part (it seems)
would be to manage the overall context of the 'document in work' so as to
really control and benefit from the MIDI input clips.

Final thought... I had a few opportunities to try Finale Notepad, and I
still think that I can type M-Tx faster and with better results (as long as
I remember what I need to type!) than I can deal with the point and drop
approach to placing all the score elements in the right place.  In the end,
I am still more satisfied with the score appearance from MusixTex than any
others.  However, it would be really great if one could interpret the
proprietary Finale file format (since Notepad already reads MIDI) and write
PMX or M-Tx script sequences... An interesting thought, but does not appear

Once again, I have gone on much to long... My teenagers want to use the
computer Right Now :0)).... School work and the like always comes first.

Joel Hunsberger

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