Thank you very much everyone for reacting and helping on this.

> It has occurred to me from time to time that a default-override file might
> be useful. There are a few drawbacks, though. Now, the output from a given
> pmx file depends *only* on the binary, and that's a very good thing. Among
> other advantages, that makes problem-solving via the list a whole lot
> easier. Anyone with the same binary will get the same tex file. Yes, it's
> true that the dvi file will depend on pmx.tex, and by the way have you
> noticed how many times over the years a stray, outdated pmx.tex has caused
> problems?  pmx.tex is a necessary evil, but it seems to me that maintaining
> the status quo is the best course in this area, rather than introducing
> another kind of local installation dependence, and one that's not really
> necessary.
I am happy with the current method. I feel more for an option that can read a (named) 
pmx input
file. This file could be used also as an extension for (large) macros.


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