In this example the second lyrics line does not return to the beginning of the line 
(by removing
'\lyrmodealter2' the output looks normal).
Am i doing something wrong?

\input musixtex
\input pmx
\input musixlyr
\input musixcho
{Sterk in wil-le ge-drild tot strijd
staan wij tucht-vol in dienst-baar-heid
en wij zin-gen met blij ge-moed
't~lied der red-ders in te-gen-spoed.
    2  2   4   4   0   6   1  0
    1  2 20  .0

e83.g | c2- e4 f | c0 | e2 g4 gs | a2 r //
e83.g | e2+ e4 c | c4 c8.c b4 a | g4 a b2 | c r /
e84.g | g2 g4 f | e2 r | e d |c4 c8.d e2 //
e84.g | c4 c8.c b4 a | g r r g8.a | b4 b8.a g4 f | e r r g8.c /

Thanks fot helping


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