Hi all

For those who are interested in historic documents about playing basso
continuo: On the archive, you'll find my translation of Agostino
Agazzari's >>Del Sonare Sopra'l Basso Con Tutti Li Stromenti E dell'Uso
Loro Nel Conserto<< 1607, one of the most important sources about early
continuo practice.


I still consider it to be draft, although the german translation should be
already quite ok, but the english version remains to be improved, since
I'm not a native speaker. I understand it as a starting point and invite
everybody being interested to have a look on it, and I'm happy for all
comments, suggestions, corrections etc. Anyhow and naturally, this holds
also for the german part...


Bernhard Lang              | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou     | University of Geneva; 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518
                   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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