Bernt Christandl wrote:

i've been "out" for quite a while; probably i've missed this :(
The last time when i looked through the archive of sheet music,
there have been several possible "views" on it: per composer,
per instrument(-"class") and a big list of all sheets.
> Today i checked again and could only find the "view" per composer.

Werner Icking, the late archive editor, replaced the single list of scores by separate lists of vocal- and instrumental music. Since that (as far as I remember in 1999) there has been no 'total' list. Shortly after I took over as archive editor after Werner's death I realized that the archive kept growing to a degree that made the maintainance of the 2 lists very hard. And so I decided for the current structure of multiple (mostly) composer based web indexes.

Since there are so many, how can i find things i was not looking for,
let's say for piano, without getting impatient because i don't play violin or i'm not a choir? Or, in other words, is there a utility/possibility to "extract"
piano-sheets or the complete list? And, sorry, for this i don't
like the "google-search" possibility...

I do agree that search facilities like those outlined would substantially improve our archive. And actually there _is_ hope for such facilities as a 'spin off' from the (hopefully) soon to come change of hosting of our archive. The archive is going to be hosted by the Music Conservatory (School of Music) of Aarhus, Denmark. The IT staff of the conservatory is preparing a database of sheet music from their own archives and scores from the Icking Archive. The search facilities of that database will be publically available. Unfortunately I can't say when that will happen. Neither can I say when the archive will be 'oficially' available at its new address, Some of you may be able able to access it already now. There are, however, currently network technichal problems (being worked on) that prevent me from taking the new server into real use.

Best regards
Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 -

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