On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Joerg Anders wrote:

> > Besides, I notice that you use version 2.3 of PMX. I strongly recommend you
> > to use the latest version (2.410) which contains a lot of ameliorations.
> >
> Yes, but for Unix/Linux there is 2.3 the latest version).

You can easily compile it yourself from the sources (having g77 or f2c
this will take you about two minutes)

1) download and unzip the pmx version in question
2) load pmxab.for into an editor
3) look for two lines with comment
   "! May need to replace this w/ next line "
   and do so (in vers. 2401 that's line 543 and 556)
4) delete the very last line (^Z)
5) g77 pmxab.for -o pmxab
6) if you don't have g77 (the fortran frontend of the gcc collection)
   you may use f2c:
   a) mv pmxab.for pmxab.f
   b) f2c -Nx400 -Nn802 pmxab.f
   c) gcc -o pmxab pmxab.c -lf2c -lm
7) copy the result to some location being mentioned in the PATH
that's it


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